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- Glycyrrhiza Glabra
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- Not Tested on Animals
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The Genius of Mother Nature In Every Bottle- Just as She Intended
"The true value of a pla
>小碧潭感動情人節禮物nt lies deep within its natural holistic balance."Frank D' Amelio. Sr., Founder, Nature's Answer
With one of the most comprehensive herbariums in the world, Nature's Answer has identified Mother Nature's Advanced Botanical Fingerprint Technology for over 800 unique plant reference standards. These authenticated samples serve as the standard by which all incoming raw material is judged.
Using carefully-controlled extraction techniques, we capture the holistic balance of each herb and the value is passed on to you, the consumer, who can be assured that the product in your hand is authentic, safe, effective, holistically balanced, and of course...Nature's Answer.
The True Natural of Our Standards go way beyond the Herb...- A Trusted, Ethical, Family-Owned and Operated Business Since 1972
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- Over 100 Quality Control Checkpoints in Every Bottle
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